Is Sugar Bad for My Gut Microbiome?

In my practice as a gut health dietitian my patients sometimes ask me “is sugar bad for my gut microbiome?”⁠⁠. On Instagram @AndreaHardyRD, I talk all about sugar and the gut microbiome! Is sugar bad for my gut microbiome? 🦠🍬 I’m seeing a LOT of ‘sugar is...

What is Gut Health?

In my practice as a gut health dietitian ⁠⁠I feel that it is important for me to communicated about what gut health actually is. On Instagram @AndreaHardyRD, I talk all about gut health and how we currently define it! ⚡Newsflash ⚡- there is no agreed upon definition...

What to Eat for Good Gut Bacteria

In my practice as a gut health dietitian I love learning about the emerging research in the field of gut health⁠⁠ including the gut microbiome. Let’s talk all about the gut microbiome and what diet is best for the gut microbiome. Furthermore, can the gut...