What is Functional Dyspepsia?

Functional dyspepsia (FD) is *kind of* like IBS for the upper gut, but with a few important differences!⁠⁠⁠⁠I see a LOT of patients that have functional dyspepsia diagnosed with IBS. Not all functional gut disorders ARE IBS – and the distinction is...

What is Gut Health?

In my practice as a gut health dietitian ⁠⁠I feel that it is important for me to communicated about what gut health actually is. On Instagram @AndreaHardyRD, I talk all about gut health and how we currently define it! ⚡Newsflash ⚡- there is no agreed upon definition...

What is a Histamine Intolerance?

Have you heard of histamine intolerance? 🤔⁠⁠⁠Typically when you think of histamine, you think of allergies 🤧. But, histamine is also something we can ingest from foods and release from eating certain foods. Some people struggle with symptoms related to high histamine...

Neonatal Nutrition

In my practice as a registered dietitian my patients sometimes ask me about my experiences with pregnancy⁠⁠. Let’s talk all about your infant’s nutrition including their microbiome. We discuss what you can do to support your newborn’s microbiome as...