by andreahardyrd | Jan 18, 2022 | Instagram Sci Comm Posts
In my pratice as a gut health dietitian I treat patients who come to me with non-celiac wheat sensitivity. On Instagram @AndreaHardyRD, I talk all about what you need to know about non-celiac wheat sensitivity! Have you heard of ‘non-celiac wheat sensitivity’? 🧐...
by andreahardyrd | Nov 30, 2021 | Instagram Sci Comm Posts
In my practice as a gut health dietitian I encounter SIBO often. Let’s talk about SIBO, what is it, how it is diagnosed and treatment options for SIBO! What is SIBO exactly?🦠 SIBO = Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, which causes excess fermentation,...
by andreahardyrd | Oct 12, 2021 | Let's Gut Real Podcast
Being able to accurately articulate your IBS symptoms with your health care provider can be very beneficial to your treatment especially when it comes to bloating. Did you know – bloating can mean different things to different people, and can help your health care...
by andreahardyrd | Dec 30, 2019 | Instagram Sci Comm Posts
On Instagram @AndreaHardyRD, I discuss the difference between bloating and distention and what causes both! What is bloating? Bloating is the FEELING of abdominal pressure, while distension is the visible expansion of your abdominal girth. Is being bloated normal?...
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