What is Gastritis

In my practice as a gut health dietitian I treat patients who come to me with gastritis⁠⁠. On Instagram @AndreaHardyRD, I talk all about gastritis – what it is, how it is diagnoses and the treatment options! What is gastritis? I often get asked about...

Neonatal Nutrition

In my practice as a registered dietitian my patients sometimes ask me about my experiences with pregnancy⁠⁠. Let’s talk all about your infant’s nutrition including their microbiome. We discuss what you can do to support your newborn’s microbiome as...

What is a Healthy Microbiome?⁠

Research on the gut microbiome is on the rise, but how much do we know? On Instagram @AndreaHardyRD, I talk all about the gut microbiota and how we can positively influence it. What IS a ‘healthy microbiome’?⁠⁠Answer: We don’t know. SO! Don’t...