You may be wondering “How can I manage reflux in pregnancy?🤰🏼⁠⁠” On Instagram @AndreaHardyRD, I talk all about being pregnant with reflux and what you can do to help manage it!

Reflux any time really but given that I’m 🤰🏼…⁠⁠
I have struggled with reflux most of my adult life. It’s well controlled when I control my IBS and make smart food choices, but pregnancy has been a WHOLE other beast.⁠⁠
Everyone regals their pregnancy story of maxing out on Tums or Gaviscon and continuing to suffer!⁠⁠
You DON’T need to suffer through pregnancy reflux. (or any reflux really). Here is my TOP tips: ⁠⁠

  1. Avoid spicy, fatty, and acidic foods. Watch for mint, it can relax your esophagus!⁠⁠
  2. Eat regularly. Reducing large volume meals can reduce pressure. ⁠⁠
  3. Get a bra and pants that FIT. My rib cage was the first thing that expanded this pregnancy – meaning my old bras had to go. Tight clothes = more pressure. More pressure = more reflux. (Pro tip: It’s pandemic… do we really need bras and pants anyway?😂) ⁠⁠
  4. Elevate your head of bed – get a wedge pillow so you don’t wake up with a runny nose and sore throat from refluxing all night long.⁠⁠

My last most important tip‼️ If you’re having break through reflux with all the nutrition, lifestyle, and OTC options (gaviscon, tums, Pepcid) TALK.WITH.YOUR.DOCTOR.⁠⁠
A prescription PPI, omeprazole is safe and every effective during pregnancy. You don’t have to ‘suffer through it’ at the expense of adequate intake, sleep, comfort, and your poor esophagus!