You may be wondering “am I drinking enough?” On Instagram @AndreaHardyRD, I talk all about constipation and whether or not hydration has anything to do with it.
Constipation basics: 🚰
I am seeing a lot more constipation because of dehydration.
😷Masks! 😷
When you wear a mask at work all day, it’s not practical to be sipping on water.
While the majority of fluid we consume is absorbed in the small intestine, when waste reaches our colon and the waste products are a bit on the drier side, transit (how quickly things move through) slows down, and the absorption of fluid in an already dry waste product causes the stool to be hard.
After all, the word ‘constipation’ is from the latin word for ‘to crowd together’. What better way to crowd than the drying out of stool?
Ensuring you get enough fluid in the day is key. Pro tips:
⏰ if wearing a mask – take water breaks every 30 min to an hour!
🚚 tie drinking water to another habit ie. when I drive I always sip on my water bottle. When I check my phone, I take a sip of water. When I eat meals, I always pour myself a glass of water.
💦while fluids other than count toward total fluid intake (I always get asked about coffee), try to get most of your fluids as water, and minimize juice and pop (bubbly water is fine!)
🍋 flavor-up your water. Carbonation, a slice of lemon or cucumbers, frozen fruit can all help to improve the palatability of water.
How much fluid do I need? It depends – but aiming for about 2L is good for most; if you’re more active you might need more!
Can extra fluid help?
No! Once your hydrated, more fluid won’t reduce constipation. I often see patients trying to drink 4L of water a day to reduce constipation! If you’re still constipated after hydration, fibre is the next thing to focus on. If that doesn’t help – talk with a dietitian about sorting it out!
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