On Instagram @AndreaHardyRD, I talk all about how important it is to share science in a way that actually makes a difference by connecting with our patients.
Its not very often I can say… dude… I have a TEDx talk for that ⠀
This weeks #Scicommunity Thursday post is all about debunking misinformation. And. I ACTUALLY did a TEDx talk for health care providers on this titled ‘???????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????????????: ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????. (Link in profile – best 20 minutes of your life I promise 😉 ) ⠀
Without connection, we cannot debunk misinformation. After all, when is the last time YOU changed your mind? I’m going to go out on a limb and say very rarely.⠀
Me, circa 2011 – I was the ‘credible hulk’.⠀
You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry because I always back up my rage with facts and documented sources.⠀
Well. That doesn’t get you very far in the world in 2020. Why? Because the undercurrent of most nutrition misinformation is rooted in FEAR. Fear is connecting. It influences us to make decisions in spite of other overwhelming evidence – just in case. It numbs our ability to think critically – because fear hijacks our amygdala – the ancient part of our brain that manages our fight or flight response.⠀
How could we possibly use our executive function? Answer: we can’t. ⠀
So how can we use our common humanity and connective communication to create critical awareness again? ⠀
By LISTENING to your patients story. Hear their experience, and then get deeply curious. I’ve listed some prompts that actually come from the field of HR that are VERY effective in creating critical awareness (thank you @worthyandwell for introducing them to me!) ⠀
What I hope you notice about my style of science communication is understanding of the internal dilemma and fears patients face when making a health decision. Science, with common humanity. ⠀
Take this back to your respective fields all – and share your tips with me! How can we do better as #sciomm’ers?
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