*the podcast will be changing to every other week during the COVID-19 outbreak due to my interviewees busy schedules*
Today I interview Dr. Kelly Peterson on the role pelvic floor, abdominal muscles, and diaphragm play in digestion and digestive comfort – an often under recognized contributor to digestive symptoms!
Nutrition Pearls for Breathing and PT for Digestive Issues
- Manual therapy can be used by trained physical therapists to assess the motility and mobility of organs & viscera, and can be manipulated to restore normal function and movement.
- Physical therapists are often under-recognized as an important part of the digestive disorders treatment team
- The pelvic floor, abdominal wall, and diaphragm work together to manage intra-abdominal pressure, and normal motility and mobility of the GI tract
- Proper diaphragmatic movement is key in facilitating digestive comfort
- When you have issues with the pelvic floor or abdominal wall, it can disrupt the whole system of function
- Diaphragmatic breathing can be a starting point for promoting normal movement of these systems
Dr. Kelly Peterson is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and specializes in visceral and pelvic Physical Therapy. She currently practices at an outpatient clinic in Huntington Beach, California. She created her own online business providing Telehealth and in-person treatments for pelvic and visceral physical therapy as the “Belly Whisperer”. She also works part-time as a home health physical therapist through out Orange County, California.
Her mission as a visceral and pelvic Physical Therapist is to help educate patients about their body (especially the intimate parts!) and provide a safe environment to discuss and treat abdominopelvic issues at all ages. Her goal is to provide an outlet for patients to seek medical treatment and advise on issues that often go undiagnosed or may not be effectively treated with current, widely practiced management strategies.
She followed in my mother’s footsteps as a physical therapist and strive every day to serve those not only in need of skilled medical treatment, but more importantly compassion and understanding.
Dr. Peterson and I discuss:
- What manual therapy is
- How normal movement of the viscera contributes to digestive wellness
- The different systems that influence digestion including the diaphragm, abdominal wall, and pelvic floor
- The vagus nerve and its influence on digestion
- What is diaphragmatic breathing
- How diaphragmatic breathing influences nervous system function, and proper muscle tone influencing digestion
- How normal versus maximal inhalation influences movement of the organs
- How to get back to basics to have a good foundation to strengthen your core
You can follow Dr. Kelly Peterson on Instagram @BellyWhisperer
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