On Instagram @AndreaHardyRD, I share how the Low Fodmap diet isn’t Dairy Free, it’s Low Lactose and you still have lots of options to choose from!
???? Un-BRIE-ievable, RIGHT?! ????
Good news! Contrary to poor FODMAP information online, the low FODMAP diet is NOT dairy free! ❌ ???? ❌
???? Lactose is considered a FODMAP in those who maldigest lactose. If you’ve had a lactose intolerance test that was negative, it means that lactose will NOT act like a FODMAP in your gut, meaning you do not need to avoid it!????
For those who are unsure, during the elimination phase of the low FODMAP diet, we recommend LIMITING lactose specifically – not dairy!
That means you can have:
✅ ALL lactose-free dairy products
✅ OR regular dairy products if using the lactase enzymes (like lacteeze; lactaid has mannitol in it in Canada)
✅ Dairy alternates that are low FODMAP
✅. Naturally low lactose dairy – like hard & mold-ripened cheese
So if you previously enjoyed dairy, and weren’t sure where it fit – now you know!
Looking for help with your nutrition? Book an appointment with our private practice gastroenterology dietitians at Ignite Nutrition.
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