Is Glutamine Good for IBS?

 As an IBS dietitian I am always reading up on the latest IBS research. On Instagram @AndreaHardyRD, I talk all about glutamine and whether or not it can be beneficial for IBS patients during the low FODMAP diet. Keep reading to learn more! Can taking glutamine...

IBS and Raw Veggies

 As an IBS dietitian I am always looking for ways to support my patients. On Instagram @AndreaHardyRD, I talk all about IBS and raw veggies. Do raw veggies cause digestive issues for you? Do you worry about eating too many raw veggies? 😨🥬🍄 🧄⁠⁠This is a common fear our...

Common High FODMAP Ingredients

 As an IBS dietitian I am always looking for ways to help my patients out with the low FODMAP diet. On Instagram @AndreaHardyRD, I talk all about how to read labels at the grocery stores including a list of common high FODMAP ingredients to watch for! Picture this: 🖼️...